The Most Important Business Skill Of The Next Decade; Dudes Who Ruin Meetings

Plus: 3 Important Crisis Management Trend Projections For 2017. This week's intel for corporate communicators.

Before we get started …

  • Is your intranet stalled? Smash through the strategy, research, governance and content holding you back in this big picture workshop that will help you create a more valuable experienceRegister for Beyond the Intranet, four weekly 75-minute sessions led by @stacylwilson starting April 4.  Purchase the complete course or individual sessions.

How is it Thursday already?

  • Here are Nielsen Norman Group’s 10 Best intranets of 2017 Half of the winners use SharePoint, 80% planned for mobile with a responsive design. Governance planning was a key part of all the winning projects.

  • 11 Advanced Techniques for Repurposing Old Content Think of all your content as living, breathing documents. Make a video tutorial, slideshare, ebook, infographic, podcast, or?

  • Four Tips For More Powerful Corporate Social Media Posts  Reveal corporate character, connect with emotions and hopefully build trust. Make your content human.

  • 3 Important Crisis Management Trend Projections For 2017 Live-streaming, Cybersecurity And Workplace Violence top the list.

  • What Will Be The Most Important Business Skill Of The Next Decade? Being A Better Human Beat the bots by amping up your analytical skills, unlearning the past and rolling over risks before they roll over you.

  • 10 Ways to Kiss Boring Goodbye in 2017 Great communication is always in service of your audience. Boring is a choice, and it’s time to write boring a “Dear John” letter.

  • Report: Video isn’t as popular with viewers as it is with advertisers This study from has video scoreing 30% less engagement than text posts. Surprised?

  • 3 Social Media Trends to Watch in 2017 The Twitter Decline. Live video, Snapchat and the decline of Twitter.

  • How to Create a Best-in-Class Infographic Series in 6 Steps Get your hands dirty with the data.

  • Digital Transformations Start with Frontline Workers You have to be willing to ask the bellhop.

  • Building Trust is a Skill and Here’s How to Learn It 45% of employees say lack of trust biggest work issue.

And just to prepare for next week’s big meeting …

  • A Field Guide to Dudes Who Ruin Meetings  Tactics to foil Mr. Details, Professor This-is-Bullshit, The Devil’s Ad-bro-cate and Admiral Hierarchy.

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  • Last week’s CommDigestSubscribe. We cover leadership, PR, internal communications, employee engagement, crisis, intranets and the digital workplace. What are we missing? Comments and suggestions welcome here.

January 19, 2017

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