Fifteen years ago – with the help of some smart communication colleagues/friends and my partner, Shelia, we founded Communitelligence with the mission of helping corporate communication, marketing and PR professionals make better business decisions.
We launched with a dozen or so expert-led communities of interest where pros could learn about and discuss key business topics including leadership, crisis planning, internal communications, measurement, intranets and basic communication skills. (This was well before social media arrived to make this much easier).
Over the years we have produced conferences, workshops and webinars where the best of the best practitioners and experts shared their knowledge, experience, tips and tricks. We also evolved the site technically to archive and deliver recordings from these events online. This rich repository of wisdom is now archived and accessible with a Communitelligence Premier membership.
That’s where we’ve been, but, as my grand kids would say, “That’s so five minutes ago.”
It’s time to change, evolve, pivot … or whatever word you use to describe business transformation.
In other words, we’re about to do some brain surgery on Communitelligence and, sticking to our “All of us are smarter than one of us” slogan, we want to co-create our next phase with some solid input from our customers.
Would you be willing to share your feedback to some proposed changes in a very brief survey to determine what would make Communitelligence more valuable and engaging to you and other business professionals. We’ll share the results with volunteers, and you’ll be part of the Inner Circle that continues to drive Counterintelligence forward.
Volunteer here and we’ll be in touch. Thanks in advance for your support.
Warning: There will be some brain surgery involved.
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