Is your C-suite executive aware of your department’s trends, initiatives and aspirations?
Get your act together by attending How to Think, Talk and Innovate Like a Leader, a special webinar by Diane Gayeski, Ph.D. and Dean of the Roy H. Park School of Communications @ 1 PM June 15. Complete this brief survey on your C-suite access and influence and and get $25 off your registration fee.
Some serious rethinking of employee engagement – and solutions
Employee Engagement and the Elephant in the Closet. Great piece by Roger D’Prix. He exposes two “dirty little secrets” of EE: “bossism and the ongoing rivalry between HR and corp comm to lead efforts Linkedin
Why the Millions We Spend on Employee Engagement Buy Us So Little. Real gains take redesigning employee experience. Harvard Business Review
Quit measuring employee engagement. Employee engagement is ultimately qualitative. Signal v. Noise
The Fear of Feelings at Work. Forcing employee to display positive emotions at work often results in org failures. The Atlantic
The 9 questions that uncover the most surprising insights from employees. Are you afraid of anything at work? Signal v. Noise
How often do you have meaningful conversations with the C-suite – and/or your boss?
Learn techniques for demonstrating the impact of the projects you’ve created – plus ways to change your own thought patters to up your game.
Attend How to Think, Talk and Innovate Like a Leader, webinar by Diane Gayeski, Ph.D. and Dean of the Roy H. Park School of Communications June 15.
Complete this brief survey on your C-suite access and influence and and get $25 off your registration fee.
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