Turbo-Charge Your Writing


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In this information-packed webinar you will learn how to turn your trusty old laptop or desktop into your very own personal writing assistant. Listen to Daphne, a writing coach and former corporate communicator and journalist offer dozens of neat tips to make your computer and software work wonders for your writing effectiveness and speed. 

What You Will Learn:

  • The powerful tools hidden within MS Word you can harness to make yourself a better writer.
  • The exact number of words you should write per sentence for maximum reader appeal.
  • Three poweful and unusual ways to use the “search” function for better writing.
  • The common misunderstanding about correct paragraph length (hint: your high school and college teachers had it all wrong!)
  • The names of powerful pieces of software that you should rush out and buy immediately  (it costs less than $40!)
  • Two tips for better incorporating research and interview notes into your writing
  • How you can become your own best editor.

Presented by:  

daphneDaphne Gray-Grant started her writing life as a journalist at her family’s weekly newspaper in Vancouver, B.C. – and then quickly advanced to become features editor at a busy metropolitan daily. From there she moved into corporate communications, producing newsletters, brochures and annual reports for a wide range of clients. Despite her many years of experience she never really enjoyed writing — until she set about developing the tools and techniques to do it better. To share this knowledge, in 2005 she launched an online coaching business,www.publicationcoach.com , working with individuals and companies seeking to improve their writing skills. Through her site, she offers a popular and free weekly newsletter called Power Writing.  

Who should purchase:

  • Writers
  • Editors
  • Designers
  • Publishers, print and electronic


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