You have a chance opportunity to speak to that busy executive you’ve been trying to influence. Or you’re about to make that make-or-break it presentation to your senior executives or client. You have seven seconds to win their attention. Once the hook is set, you must deliver something interesting and worthwhile so they won’t think their time with you was wasted. What do you say?
The ability to perform this little tight-rope act will determine if your ideas are listened to, accepted, and acted on. And by default whether you are a respected and valued business associate, or not. In this session, you’ll get practical guidance on how to start strong and finish stronger. You’ll be equipped to build a perfect elevator pitch or presentation, including a hook that will capture their attention. You won’t lose them at hello.
Learning Agenda
- 1: Why pitches fail, whether it’s a sales pitch or an idea you are pitching to an executive. We’ll look at the communication challenges you are up against.
- 2: Why the first 7 seconds in a communication interaction is the most critical.
- 3: Key techniques to build a “hook” that will capture someone’s attention. We will look at examples of great conversation hooks. You’ll also get a chance to try and practice yours.
- 4: Understand the ideal structure for the discussion to follow. We are primed to listen to specific messages and structure has a big impact on how effective that message gets across. The method we use is PACES, which stands for Problem, Answer, Credibility, Evidence, and Steps to Take Next.
- 5: An elevator pitch is a special case where you don’t have a lot of time to use the full “PACES” format. Here we use a method called CPU (Customer, Problem, and Unique value proposition) to craft a short statement, using the techniques we’ve covered.
- 6: How to make messages stickier using stories. We’ll explore why story is effective, and what types of stories work well.
- 7: Practice. We will spend some time throughout the session giving you the opportunity to work through your specific communication challenge. At the end we will have some volunteers try their updated pitch and we will give them live feedback.
- 8: Free Tools. We use a number of planning tools to craft your message, all of which will be made available to you during the session.
Kevin Smith is a Story Architect. He helps start-ups, small businesses and social enterprises unleash their stories to secure customers and investors, by helping them understand what their core customer story is and then helping them get their story to market. His services include branding, messaging, marketing strategy, SEO, content and social media marketing, presentation and pitch design, web design, lead generation, sales coaching and business development. Before launching, he rocked sales and marketing at Dell for 14 years, made thousands of presentations, ran for political office and managed a tech addiction.
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