Would you like more access and influence with your C-suite executives? Learn techniques and traits based on research by Diane Gayeski, Ph.D. and Dean of the Roy H. Park School of Communications. Attend How to Think, Talk and Innovate Like a Leader, a special webinar next Thursday, June 15 at 1 PM. In case you’re booked then, registration includes unlimited access to the recording after the event. Complete this brief survey on your C-suite access and influence and get $25 off your registration fee.
This week’s intel for corporate communicators
10 New And Simple Ways To Make More People Read Your Content. Long paragraphs = boring paragraphs. Subheads can make the difference between staying and leaving. So can captions.
Your Newsletter? It Could Be Better. Lists are your friend! Long paragraphs are the enemy. Keep it simple.
Internal Communications: A 101 Guide for New Managers Know where internal communications problems lurk. Communicate visually, including with video. Use plain language, no matter what media format you use.
10 HR Tools to Check if your Team is Engaged. Includes apps like Zeal, WISP, Waggl.
The Rise and Fall of Work Media. Shocking. Users are migrating away from web 2.0-era social tools, and quickly. Work chat tools are displacing Jive, Yammer, etc.
To Create a Culture of Writing at Your Company, Start by Providing Incentive. If you don’t nudge people to contribute, they won’t The anxious writer seldom writes.
The Inefficiency of Words. We can’t get away from inefficient words. They’re too easy to use. A fun, yet serious read.
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